Straight-Up Praise for Good Posture

Square Halo has been with Tom Becker since the very beginning of The Row House (literally—there are photos from the first forum to prove it), so we were understandably eager to publish his first book. As it turns out, we are not the only ones who think that the work Tom is doing is amazing. Following is effusive praise for Good Posture—more than enough to make people sit up straight and take notice . . . 

The Row House proves that it is possible to engage in conversations about culture with authenticity, curiosity, and uncommon graciousness. In Good Posture Tom invites us behind these conversations to hear his heart for building better bridges and practicing insane kindness. Rooted in the Gospel, this book will help you engage in thoughtful conversations and create a more attractive way of impacting culture.
Peter Greer, president & CEO HOPE International, and coauthor of Rooting for Rivals

Tom Becker’s track record of artful engagement makes him an invaluable guide to “good posture” in relation to Culture.
J. Mark Bertrand, novelist and author of Rethinking Worldview

In every age, the church is called to enflesh the gospel in a particular time and place. But for Christians to do so effectively, they will need to understand their unique time and place and, especially, the neighbors who inhabit it with them. The Row House Forum is just such a “roadmap” for thoughtful Christians, as well as a gathering place for all who are intellectually hungry. Every Christian community would benefit from such a forum. 
Katelyn Beaty, Christianity Today editor-at-large, book author, 2016 forum speaker for The Row House

In Good Posture, Tom Becker is not scolding Christians for not sitting up straight. Rather he’s encouraging us to lean into life so we can flourish where we are, for God’s glory and the common good. He tells the story of The Row House in Lancaster, PA not so we all start one but as a living example of bringing grace into the heart of a city. In the process Becker distills what he has learned, and the distillation is a lovely dose of biblical wisdom. It’s a vision of the sort of Christianity we always hoped was possible but rarely see. It’s a vision not of beginning something big but of being faithful and watching the gospel nurture beauty in ordinary people in ordinary ways.
Denis Haack, co-founder of Ransom Fellowship and the editor of Critique magazine

Tom is the kind of conversationalist who cares more about listening than being heard. But you also come away from talking with him somehow more full of ideas and hopes and dreams. His listening is the kind that inspires.
Wesley Hill, author of Paul and the Trinity: Persons, Relations, and the Pauline Letters and 2015 forum speaker for The Row House

The Row House Forum serves the public good in one of the best ways possible: by promoting ideas, art, conversation, and human flourishing. It’s a gift to the local community, as well as a gift from the local community to the world. The Row House Forum is a jewel whose brilliance reaches far and wide.
Karen Swallow Prior, PhD, author of Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me and 2017 forum speaker for The Row House

Tom Becker models a winsome, wise, and celebratory faith in Christ. Hearing him speak, reading his words, or attending one of his events is always a joy, because he lives out God’s Kingdom and invites others to join him. Tom’s hospitality, insight, and sense of fun came to life in the pages of Good Posture. As someone lucky enough to attend many Row House events, I can say with delight that this book will give you a taste of what it’s like to be welcomed into a community by Tom, and some starting points for living out that generous hospitality in your own context. Tom’s graceful articulation of ancient faith for current culture is exactly what we need in our cultural moment. May it be widely read, and even more widely lived out.
—Hannah Eagleson, PhD, Renaissance Literature and writer/editor for InterVarsity’s Emerging Scholars Network

I have known Tom Becker for many years and have been simply stunned at his energy and insight, verve and fidelity in doing what he is called to do—which he describes with wit and wonder in this easy-to-read, one-of-a-kind book. Good Posture is influenced by everything from the Bible and the Beatles to Francis Schaeffer and modern art films. Tom’s love of urban architecture, local ministry, and civil conversation just bubbles up as he tells his story and invites you into his dream of an ancient faith presented winsomely to our neighbors. May this book inspire you to loosen up a bit, check your posture, and then take up the wild, wondrous adventure of gracious Christian living in our lovely, messy world. 
Byron Borger, co-founder of Hearts & Minds Bookstore

C.S. Lewis aptly said that if we read history carefully, we will soon discover that those who have done the most good for the present world are the ones who thought the most of the next. Put another way, when we become “heavenly minded” in the Jesus sense of the term, we become more earthly good, not less. My long-time friend, Tom Becker, does a marvelous job calling us back to this vision in Good Posture. I couldn’t recommend this book more highly. Please read it cover to cover. Please share it. And please, for the love of God, start living it.
Scott Sauls, senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and author of Jesus Outside the Lines, Befriend, and From Weakness to Strength

Tom Becker is a man living a life that leaves a mark. Through a heavenly blend of humor, grace, whimsy, and gospel, Tom offers readers the opportunity to reassess their approach to the world around them. Shall we approach life hunched over and believing the worst about our neighbors, or standing tall, looking for the best in those around us? I know which approach sounds more life-giving and Kingdom bearing to me. Read this book, and follow Tom’s work to readjust your perspective, and your posture.
—Luke Dooley, Director of the Unpolished initiative at OCEAN Accelerator, and former Director of Q Commons at Qideas