Passion and Character(s)

For our latest offering, we are pleased to announce the publication of Godly Character(s): Insights for Spiritual Passion from the Lives of 8 Women in the Bible, an in-depth look at how desire for God can be cultivated by strengthening the practice of godly disciplines.  The book examines the spiritual effects of four inward-focused character traits—devotion, courage, faith, and vision—and four outward-looking character traits—initiative, nonconformity, tenacity, and generosity—as revealed through the lives of eight lesser-studied people in the Bible.  Reviewers have noted the impact of Godly Character(s)on rekindling affection and passion for God:

“Lisa Smith’s latest book is a treasure. It will draw you closer to God and will ignite your heart with passion for Him. Her insight and beautiful storytelling makes every section of this book delightful to read!” — Stacy DeWitt, executive director of James Storehouse

“This book is a terrific resource for anyone who wants more from their relationship with God than lackluster routines and complacent rituals. Lisa is both an engaging guide and an experienced practitioner, using Scriptures and stories, to lead us through eight characteristics needed to fuel a dynamic and passionate life with God.”— Carolyn Taketa, host of the Small Group Network podcast Group Talk

“This book is a slim treasure, packed with practical inspiration for the passionate Christian life. Utilizing the stories of some of the unsung heroines of Scripture, Godly Character(s) will be a trustworthy companion on the quest of devotion.” — Lanier Ivester, writer and speaker; author at

Revealed: A Storybook Bible for Grown-Ups

When folks hear the words “The Bible,” images of Westboro Baptists or Precious Moments’ kitschy angels with freakishly large heads may pop to mind. But the Bible is very differently than either of those extremes. Revealed: A Storybook Bible for Grown-Ups is a new book from Square Halo Books that shows the Bible as it really is—in all its raw, violent, and sexy glory. There are over 130 images by a wide range of artists—living and dead, Christian and non-Christian. Artists in this book include Hans Burgkmair, Margaret Bustard, Ned Bustard, Tanja Butler, Matthew L. Clark, Lovis Corinth, Erin Cross, Albrecht Dürer, Jean Duvet, Wayne Lacson Forte, Richard Gaston, Eric Gill, Steve Halla, Craig Hawkins, David Busch Johnson, Diego Jourdan Pereira, Edward Knippers, Chris Koelle, Kevin Lindholm, Franz Marc, Chris Stoffel Overvoorde, Steve Prince, Mark T. Smith, Justin Sorensen, Ryan Stander, Rembrandt van Rijn, Henri Van Straten, and Kreg Yingst. Fifty-eight of the images were made specifically for this book. Each spread in the book is a different account from the Bible. On the left is the scripture passage and a brief commentary on the art and the passage. On the right is the artwork. The commentaries help the reader to look deeper into the passage and help them to understand and apprecaite the art more. They also quote from many writers including N.T. Wright, Tim Keller, C.S. Lewis, Luci Shaw, A.D. Bauer, Denis Haack, D.A. Carson, Eric Jacobsen, Billy Graham, John Piper, Bono, and C.H. Spurgeon to name a few.

J. Mark Bertrand (novelist, speaker, and founder of the Bible Design Blog) says: “Revealed sets out to crush any notion that the Bible is a safe, inspirational read. Instead the artwork here, historic and contemporary, takes a warts-and-all approach to even the most troubling passages, trading well-meaning elision for unvarnished truth. If you gaze deeper, Revealed springs another surprise, too: it debunks the equally prevalent misconception that a sacred anthology ages in the making can offer no single, unifying message. To see that message, however, might just require a second look at verses that make the pious avert their eyes.” 

The official book release party for Revealed is scheduled for June 3, 2016 in the Square Halo Gallery. More details can be found HERE.

An interview with The Gospel Coalition about the book can be found HERE.

An article from The Washington Times about several of the contributors to Revealed can be found HERE.

Heart & Minds Bookstore awarded Revealed the BEST ART BOOK OF 2015 and also wrote a nice review HERE.

A PechaKucha presentation about Revealed can be watched HERE.

An article about Revealed on ArtWay can be found HERE.

And Revealed can be found on First Things' 2015 Christmas Guide to Buying a Bible.