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Call for Entries

The Square Halo Gallery invites artists to participate in an exhibit of works on paper around the theme of The Inklings. The artwork may be about individual members of the group (C.S Lewis J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, etc.) or about their literary works/characters (Aslan, hobbits, War in Heaven, etc.). The show will run from May–June 2020 in conjunction with the 2020 Square Halo conference. Works may be in any medium, on any type of paper (between 5x7 and 18x24 inches), and should be sent unframed. Works submitted will be available for sale while on display, and a purchase award will be given to the Best in Show. Works submitted for the exhibition will be returned to the artists if prepaid, self-addressed packaging is include when the art is submitted. The deadline for submissions is April 2020 and the mailing address is 125 North Pine Street, Lancaster, PA 17603. Please direct any questions to: